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M. F. Cologlu


Updated: Dec 26, 2022


How long have you been training while on a structured nutrition program and how is it helping your sports performance?

I am on my 9th week on a structured nutritional program.  I am down 16 pounds from 170 to 154.  Losing this weight has been a huge!  Not only has it helped me in my day to day activity as a tennis professional (teaching) but it has also helped me make huge strides in my triathlon competition!!!

How do you stay structured to your best ability with your busy schedule?   On Sunday my wife and I make our meals for the week and have everything ready to go each morning.  At first it seemed like it was going to be difficult to  meal prep but once you get used to it, it’s not bad at all.

How would you describe the mental and physical edges that you benefit from training and a structured nutrition program?

On the mental side I have so much more confidence in my athletic ability feeling better but also looking better. I have been doing pretty well in my races for the past 4 years, but my times the last 9 weeks have been coming down drastically.  I got in touch with Melih F. Cologlu not only to lose weight but also to learn about the importance of sports nutrition. I always thought I didn’t really do that bad but I was way off.

What are some of your suggestions for competitive athletes on balancing athletics and work?

No real suggestions except don’t put it off.  If you want to be competitive you have to allow yourself time to train.  Don’t put it off! "Whether it's starting to work on your health and fitness or even entering a competition; No saying “I will do it tomorrow”.  Just go do it!!!"

What is your favorite outdoor activity?

I really love the ocean and I like to paddle my surfski and prone board. I feel those paddle sports are good cross training for my triathlons.

What is your favorite triathlon event?

I do the best in the Sprint distances. I have done three 70.3 Ironmans and just finished my 2nd Full Ironman in October in Mont Tremblant Canada.  I have another half and full set for 2023 season!!!  I am looking forward to be even more dialed in on my nutrition for 2023.  Thank you Melih F Cologlu for all your knowledge and guidance… 

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